Refer a patient. Please use the form below to refer a patient to Duddingston Park. If you would like to discuss your patients requirements further please call us on 0131 669 9977. Refer a patient Patient Information First Name * Last Name * Date of Birth * Contact No. * Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City * Postcode * Section Buttons Next Referring Dentist Information Practioner Name * GDC No. * Contact No. * Email Clinic Name * Clinic Address Line 1 * Clinic Address Line 2 City * Postcode * Section Buttons Next Referring Details Treatment Required Oral Surgery Implants Restorative Periodontics Endodontics Facial Aesthetics Orthodontics Other Observations and Dental History Medical Histroy File Upload Please include any relevant file attachment such as radiographs, clinical notes or photographs. We accept the following files: JPG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, PDF Would you like the patient to see a specific dentist? Preferred Dentist Dr Abraham McCarthy Dr Niki Koutsiafti Any Additional Comments * reCAPTCHA Section Buttons SUBMIT REFERRAL